Physically Impaired

Physically Impaired (PI) is a low incidence disability area that is represented by approximately 1% of all students in Minnesota receiving special education services. PI is defined as a medically diagnosed, chronic physical impairment – either congenital or acquired – that may adversely affect physical or academic functioning and result in the need for special education and related services (MN Rule 3525.1337)

Other Health Disabilities

A student with a chronic health condition may be considered for special education under the Other Health Disabilities (OHD) category if eligibility criteria are met. State OHD Definition and Criteria (MR 3525.1333) can be found on the Minnesota Administrative Rules, or on the MN Department of Education website.

Resources for families:


Spina Bifida Association

Cerebral Palsy Organization

Gillette Children’s Specialty Healthcare

If you have further questions please contact Kirsten Morton-Aldous at 218 454-5508 or [email protected].